Vivoactive 5 display not turning off automatically

A call notification woke me up, then after that notificstion auto closed it was left on the morning report, but the watch never turned off automatically on this screen. Only after closing the morning report and returning to the watch face did the watch display turn off after a delay.

I ve also noticed this behavior in other circumstances. For instance if I open the Controls menu, then do nothing, after a minute or so it will return to the watch face but will never turn the display off automatically.

This is going to cause a huge loss of battery and will make me consider returning the watch since I don't know if Garmin's always behave this way. 

  • I've experienced the same problem. Three times now the screen gets activated in the morning, before I wake up, and the display stays On in the screen with the weather on top and time below.  The only way to get it to go back to sleep is to finish the wake-up and go back to the main watch face. Hope Garmin sees these posts.

  • Hello, This was not mentioned in your post. Do you have your display settings set to Always On? As this would be the main reason why the display would not turn off. 

    Also, the morning report will only appear on the watch on your set wake time. 

    If your display setting is not set to Always On, please reach out to your local Garmin Support team to investigate this further.

  • I don't have display Always On, it turns itself off normally after a brief timeout. The screen is not the Wakeup Report, but the screen just before that, that shows the weather/"Good morning!"/time&date, before you select the down arrow for the Morning Report.  I tried uploading a copy of the screen but the insert image function kept refusing it. Anyway, the past 2 mornings have had different behaviors:  1) turning my wrist back and forth turned the display on and off. 2) the display did finally turn off after I ignored it and went back to sleep. Not seeming to get consistent behavior, and will continue to monitor.

    Also, did contact support already via Chat. They gave me a link to to upload an image of the issue, but that link appears no longer active once the chat closed. It returned an error.