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Vivoactive 4s not counting steps or monitoring heart rate, battery drains fast too


On July 23rd I woke up and noticed my VA4S battery had drained during night, even though I had charged it to 100% in the evening before going to sleep. I also noticed that it's not monitoring heart rate (green light has stopped blinking) and it's not counting steps at all anymore. It also counts floors climbed wrong. The GPS was not on during this happened and I didn't change any settings or caused any shock to the watch, all this happened on its own. Usually my battery lasted 3-5 days, now it lasted only about 5 hours! 

My watch was running version 6.90 when I noticed these problems. (I might remember wrong, but I think my watch was updated on july 22nd). I have done all the following tricks to get it work properly:

- restarted the device multiple times 

- factory reset

- Connected to Garmin Express. After connecting it to pc, the watch started to pop up an update every hour..

- updated to version 7.01 (update still kept popping up every hour or so) 

- cleaned all the surfaces 

- charged through pc to 100%

- I toggled with activity scan and heart rate scan on/off 

- updated to version 7.03. This helped a bit with the battery drain, (still problems there) but all the other problems remain. 

I was wondering, if anyone has noticed similar problems with their device recently? Is my watch broken, or is this some kind of software issue? 

I'm located in EU Finland if it matters. I have sent an email to my regions Garmin support, but I have not received any answers. My devices' warranty ended conviently in April..