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Replacement Device Also Broken After 6.50 Update

Recently had a conversation with support about how my weather on my Vivoactive 4 is constantly reporting absurd values like -20c to -30c. They suspected the temperature sensor was faulty and immediately shipped me out a replacement (I have both in front of me right now).

Upon getting the new one setup, everything looked great (temperatures were correct!). I took the dogs for a short walk and upon returning the watch prompted me for a software update. I figured because it was a refurbished unit it probably had really old software, no problem.

After installing 6.50 (It printed a bunch of messages about sensor updates) the replacement watch is now also showing crazy temperatures like -25C. Makes me think my original watch isn't even broken, it's a software bug. Or I got really unlucky and both watches are broken. I've sent all of this information to the support team to see what they make of it.. but it's especially annoying because it syncs this temperature to Garmin connect which in turn syncs to my cycling computer (Garmin Edge 530).. so when I'm getting ready to head out for a ride or already on a ride, the weather reports are unreliable and nonsense. It's super frustrating.

Has anyone else had this issue?

As I type this from my office (20.5c) with an outside temperature of (1c) both watches are showing temperatures in the mid minus 20's.

I've tried using a fixed location on Garmin Connect as well, it didn't change anything.

Old Watch

Edge 530 Weather Compromised

Refurbished Replacement Watch

For fun I set my Fixed Weather Location to Florida and rebooted my watch. It's currently 21℃ there, but my watch just says "No Gps ℃".. alright then!

  • It is not using sensors for this. It gets the data from internet, based on where it thinks you are.

  • This was my understanding of it as well. However, according to Garmin support directly (via 24 chained emails) this current temperature value is modified by sensors. At least that was their conclusion and why they shipped me a replacement.. I suppose they could be wrong all the same!

    The weather forecast it pulls is correct, but the numeric data field value that can be used on most watch faces and bike computer screens is incorrect.

    For example, it is currently 7c and my watch (with and without fixed location enabled, with gps enabled, with gps correct in google maps) is reporting -30c.

  • So I did some more digging... according to the following website

    Aviation Weather Stations

    The nearest weather stations to me are

    NL ST JOHNS ARP     CYYT  YYT          47 37N  052 44W  128   X     T  X       5 CA
    NL ST JOHNS WEST    CXSW        71587  47 31N  052 47W  117   X                7 CA

    Notice how the Airport does not have a Synop code.

    Whats more troubling is the fact that the other weather station's Synop code of 71587 is improperly registered.

    71587 actually pulls from Sandy Lake, Ontario (half way across the country) where by it IS actually -30c right now.

    So I suspect that Garmin
    • Only considers weather stations with Synop Codes (disregarding the others)
    • This code is improperly mapped to the wrong weather station (I don't know which government agency is responsible for this?)
    • My weather is now always wrong.