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Custom and HIIT not on Vivoactive 4S

I think it's really poor of Garmin to offer a rally great facility on the CONNECT APP - to make a HIIT workout or a CUSTOM workout - only to find that the Vivoactive IS NOT COMPSTIBLE.  Tihs is a cynical step to get people to purchase a different watch.  I use hardly any of the workout types that come as standard and I am now going to have to upgrade to an even more expensive sports watch to benefit from all the features on the Connect APP.  Annoyingly I only found out about this feature as I noticed I could get a new badge if I completed a HIIT workout - only it's impossible on my watch.  Why promote challenges that people cannot use on their phone?  You don't even say "on your Venu watch" like the other challenges O I spent ages making it only to be left disappointed.  GREAT MARKETING.  Unimpressed as it would cost you nothing to include this in the software on the phone.  Unless I am mistaken and there is a work around??  Nope.