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Version 5.80 discussion

Hi there, anyone who has already installed 5.80? How is it?

  • I discovered what my issue is - and this is an issue only since 5.80.

    When I tap my screen (gesture) it goes into HighPowerMode and does not come out of it, so it does not return to LowPowerMode. This means the screen is updating every second which drains the battery.

    Definitely a bug that needs fixing by Garmin!

  • hi mates!

    May be something which can help for the fast battery draining,

    the device has 2 modes on watchface, HighPower and LowPower,

    when you look at your device (or touch the screen) the device goes on HighPower where screen is updated every 1sec, and after around 10 sec it is supposed to go back to LowPower (where the screen is updated every 1min)

    According to report and video I get, the device never goes back to LowPower, so that is an issue on FW update.

    Certainly linked with how you set your device, on the F6 this issue was due to backlight settings.

    May be something which can help: try to reboot your device or do a soft reset.

  • thanks for this info. It seems only me has this issue. Also seems is not related to 5.80 release.

  • I am seeing increased battery drain. does anyone know a way to roll back to 5.60 & disable future updates ?

  • I did try a factory reset after having battery issues and still having the same battery issues. Please look into this update to patch this leak.

  • same....same... 3.5-4.0%/hr instead of 0.5/hr :(

  • is yours even leaking 4% even when the watch is off? mine is.

  • No I haven't tried that but that may be a combination of startup cost and this leak. 

  • Since the update to 5.80 my watch drained 50% overnight. What can I do?

  • Just a little more info from my original post.

    I am seeing 1.5-2% drain per hour with the watch doing very little. I have a stock face with HR enabled & nothing else. with 5.60 it was nearer 0.5-1% per hour so whilst it has almost doubled it is nowhere near the figures others are seeing. Still not ideal though. Faster drain = more regular charge and leads to the watch ending up being not fit for purpose if it can't be worn consistently. 

    Fact is. I didn't have an issue with 5.60 & now I do and no gain from the software whatsoever..

    Can someone at Garmin respond with suggestions please ? I've tried restart & reset but no change.