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Stress level high when sitting all day?

Full disclosure I do have an anxiety disorder but is this normal for my Garmin to register such high-stress levels while sitting? I'm at my desk for the majority of the 8 hour day. Attached 3 screenshots of yesterday and 2 days last week where it was high despite sitting most of the day. I've had the watch for almost 4 weeks now. 

Today my body battery has already dropped 36 points. 1 hour in the morning getting myself and the kids ready for work/daycare and been sitting since then. '

Maybe I am highly stressed but wanted to see if others saw this on the watch. Thanks!

  • HI! Can you tell me during these times is your HR pretty high as well?

  • Here is my HR charts from those days 

    I guess I move more during the day than I thought if these charts are correct

  • A lot of things affect your non-exercising (at rest) heart rate and stress levels. Your night time stress levels looks pretty good so you can probably reasonably rule out sickness. It's most likely from your anxiety.

    From my experience, my HR and stress looks like that after I've eaten. Worse if I've eaten a particularly heavy or carb heavy meal or foods. Same with alcohol.

  • The issue I have is I have a stand desk, so my heart rate is elevated some, but because of that it thinks I am stressed and it drains my body battery I think incorrectly due to this. Thoughts about this issue? The drop in body battery makes me want to sit more, which is obviously not a good thing... Lol

  • Sorry to revive this, I have the same issues and I can really get anxious or stressed during the day... with the Garmin stress app, which I find to be really good, I experience the following

    1. Stress level goes up to 70 ~ 80% after meals for ca 2 ~ 3 hours and can even stay high late at night when eating heavy in the evening
    2. Stress level goes and stays up to 70 ~ 80% when sporting
    3. Stress level goes and stays up to 60 ~ 80% when concentrating on work as it seems I am breathing more shallow and HRV drops
    4. Stress level goes up when feeling annoyed or pissed off

    Now the good news... for me...

    Stress level can easily be alleviated with simple breathing exercises throughout points 3 and 4! Take a few good deep breaths and break concentration away from the screen. Look outside or take a short walk and anyways, simply distract from everything and bring focus to your body and breathing and you will see your stress drop to 20% easily.

    Typing this response with a stress level of 24% after distracting myself from work and taking a few deep breaths. So... maybe I suggest you to look at the stress app more, and do more deep breathing and "away" moments, so you get less anxious and stressed Slight smile

  • Garmin watches, like many other wearable devices, use various sensors to monitor your heart rate, physical activity, and other factors to estimate your stress levels. These estimations are based on algorithms and may not always be 100% accurate for every individual. Factors such as anxiety disorders can also affect the readings. However, it's important to note that wearable devices like Garmin watches should not replace professional medical advice or individual therapy NYC.  While wearable devices can provide valuable insights into your overall health and well-being, including stress levels, they should be used as tools for self-awareness and general guidance rather than definitive diagnostic tools. If you have concerns about your stress levels or mental health, it's always recommended to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional or consider individual therapy in NYC.