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Sleep Tracking (I know...)

It seems that the sleep stages is a bit random, but I am wondering...

I noticed that during supposedly deep sleep, if I turn on the movement overlay on the chart, my stress and movement at those deep sleep times is usually the highest of the night. That points to me either awake or REM sleep, not deep. Am I wrong? Anyone else check out your movement during sleep stages? I just don't see how it could be right and how they don't seem to be doing anything to fix sleep tracking.

  • Well my Vivoactive reported 8 hr 55 min sleep but the study got 4hr 16 minutes, so I couldn't match much of it.

    The SpO2 was reporting slightly lower numbers than the finger sensor, but the fluctuations throughout the night were a close match.

    Since the SpO2 can be turned on just for sleep periods, the developers should have a way to use these fluctuations to identify likely interrupted sleep.