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Respiration rate

Just got my vivoactive 4s and my respiration rate when resting is around 7-10 bpm. Everything I find says 12 should be the lowest. I am a singer so I do a lot of breathing exercises but I also read anxiety can affect it and I do have anxiety disorder. Should I be worried or is this just normal for some people and the "normal" number advice is a generalisation?? 

  • Did you have a "problem" before you saw resting resp rate? No? Then don't worry about it! Your breath control from singing may be relevant, your anxiety is less likely to be so. Anxiety tends to increase respiratory rate, at least while anxious.

    Resting respiratory rate increase from your baseline may suggest you are coming down with something, especially if accompanied by increased resting heart rate ...

  • HI.

    I am very interested in your post because i too am a singer. Not professional but in a worship team and sing all the time too!

    I have always had what I believe to be a very large lung capacity. I am wondering if, as singers, th8is is relevant in low resps - especially when |i am asleep.

    I have just checked and see that just a few nights ago I registered an lowest of 5...!

    My goodness!