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vivoactive 4 Series SW update 3.80 is live

This update can be downloaded with Garmin Express or automatically with Garmin Connect Mobile. 

Change Log

  • Fix occasional crash during activity at high elevation
  • Fix private smart notification vibration pattern
  • Prevent repeated software update prompts
  • General stability improvements
  • Good job Garmin, not only that you haven't fixed the existing problems (blinking sensor), you also introduce new problem. With this new FW my battery drains like crazy! It wouldn't last 2 days without recharging!

  • Ma. Com'è possibile che la batteria dura a stento una giornata? 

    Capita anche a voi? 

  • Wow, Garmin! How is it possible that you have so many bugs for months already?

    Battery lives as much as some Apple Watch battery lives. While swimming in pool lenghts error is about 20%! Sensor blinking error...

    And now the biggest joke! Summarizing step counts wrongly:

    VA4 shows, that from 00:00 to 12:00 I have made already 6152 steps.  But the only problem is, that's not true. From Connect I can see, how many steps I have done in every hour and that in total I have made maybe 3000 steps (which is still more than in reality, but quite close to it. Read: that error margin is acceptable). But it looks that Garmin is having their own rules of mathematics: In Garmin's world 1+1 =4...

    What for I paid the money? I would expect that from dirty cheap Chinese devices, but not from Garmin. I have also FR 935, It's also not top accurate, but at least it's not so off (except barometer and altimeter readings).

  • Fun continues: I went for a 2,4 km walk. And software added only 200 steps to the whole day stepcount and added 200m to whole  day walking distance :D Floors climbed and descended are also very wrong.

  • Sorry, I was incorrect ... it appears that an activity DOES need to be started.  If an activity isn't started then the HR sensor light goes out when removed from the wrist and the watch charges correctly.

  • Lo que no comprendo es que el dispositivo paulatinamente vaya empeorando su comportamiento a medida de que van pasando los días después de la presente actualización V3.80 

    Durante las últimas dos semanas lo que he experimentado son problemas con el sueño. Es impreciso (hasta 2h), con la hora en la que me duermo. En cambio, la hora en la que me levanto , perfecta.

    Es evidente que el VA4 le queda mucha evolución. Empezando por su interfaz, "la cual se percibe muy beta", y terminando por la información que ofrece después de una actividad con GPS. 

    Un ejemplo es que hay que marearse para localizar el VO2Max, cuando se debería de mostrar en el resumen del entreno. Así como los textos de información del resumen de la actividad; los cuales son demasiado pequeños. 

    Tampoco entiendo cómo es qué no hay pulsación larga de pantalla, para acceder a determinados menús o submenús.

    Es cierto que es un dispositivo muy reciente y le falta evolución. 

  • ¿A alguien más le ha llegado actualización para el Vivo Active 4?

    Lo extraño es que yo sigo en la v3.80, y no me a dado tiempo a mirar lo que se ha actualizado. 

  • A new software update was pushed yesterday (VA4), I think it was a Bluetooth update, not the main SW.   This morning battery was at 66% after going to bed with a full charge.   Something changed that increased battery drain.   What is going on Garmin?

  • This is why I’ve sold my vivoactive 4 and gone to a Coros Watch. Fed up with Garmins software updates always mucking something up. Garmin really need to test their updates more thoroughly before going live with them.

  • I have done the “15 second hold button A” reset twice, and the discharge rate seems to have slowed down.