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How to send custom workout to the watch?

On the mobile Garmin Connect app I can create custom workouts for the already defined cattegories, like cardio, pilates, running etc. and then send them to the watch. But I can also create my own type of custom workouts but somehow it can't be transefered/synced with the watch. Am I missing something or this is another bug?

  • I know this is an old thread and I hope you have found an answer by now but I just bought the watch and after some digging figured out the solution.  When you create a workout you have to save then manually sync it to your watch. Go to a standard training workout app on you watch such as run, row, etc. When the "ready" screen pops up swipe up from the arrow at the bottom and select "workouts". Your custom plan should show up.

  • I didn't know that was a problem lol. I've sent my custom lower/upper/core body workouts as well as my 5KM and 10KM intervals to my watch since I got it for Christmas. May be last year the firmware didn't allow it but like you said, it's not true now.,

  • No... This answer is correct but not what I was looking for. 
    When you create a workout and select "custom workout", I am not able to find it on my watch. 
    I can find my workouts when I create one and select "Run" or "Strength" as workout type, the workout will appear on my watch when I click the Run or Strength apps.

    I still can't find my workout when I create a custom one, which is what I want.
    Maybe that's why a lot of people in this thread are saying it can't be done and some people are saying "yeah it can be done, no problem" 

  • I am really sorry but I'm having a hard time understanding where you are having trouble. You said that you can find the workout but then you say that you can't. 

    Are you saying that you can't find a particular movement when you create a custom workout? Or can you not find the workout as a whole

  • I can find a workout on the watch if it's a "Run" workout, or a "Cardio" or "Strength" workout.
    I can't find a workout on the watch if it's a "Custom" workout.

  • When you create a custom workout on the Connect app you will create it under a category of workouts (run, bike, strength, etc.). Once you save it, sync it to your watch with the button at the top right that looks like a phone with an arrow then the "sync" button qt the main page. I may have put in an extra step but it is what I do. 

    Then on your watch go to your workout menu (single click the top button on my watch) where it lists all the categories or workouts. Select the category that you created your workout under. It will bring you to the "ready" screen with the start button. Before you start swipe up from the bottom. You should see 3 options. 


    Training schedule


    Select "workouts" and you should see whatever you named your custom workout as an option (it's in alphabetical order). You can select it and it'll take you back to the ready screen to start.

    Let me know if that helps

  • So, ive been struggling some time with this now but have finally found a solid solution. 1.Create the activity on your phone, 2. sync it with your watch, 3. Add the activity to your workout calendar, 4. Sync again, 5. Scroll around in your activities on your watch and you will be recommended to do that training you just created and added to your calender. 

  • Thank you for the time you took to try to help me. Unfortunately, it doesn't help me in my scenario.
    Please have a look at my screenshot.
    Where you say (run,bike,strength etc.), choose Custom.

    Let me know if you can find a workout you have created with "Custom" on your watch.
    I'm using a VA4 and can't find it on my watch.

  • Oooooooh now I understand you. Sorry for the confusion. I am unable to find the custom tab on the watch as well. Now I'm on a mission haha. I will see what I can find for you tonight when I get some free time to dig into it. Until then have you tried to create the workout under one of the other categories?

  • No worries, text on the internet can be confusing if you want to discuss something this detailed.

    Yes, under one of the other categories I don't have a problem.

    In fact, I think OP of this thread also just pointed out he had a problem with the "Custom" workouts.
    That's why I found it weird your reply is marked as an answer.