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Light on during sleep

Has anyone got an answer to this please as it's very annoying it appears to happen when the watch face is touched, can this be inhibited during sleep??

  • Yes, I sent this request directly to Garmin, but no response.

    The above procedure is nice, but I would have to be crazy to use it like this :)
    Garmin could simply set the screen to turn on only when the button is pressed in sleep mode. Or be able to permanently turn off the backlight when touched.

  • I use the shortcut to turn the brightness down but then I can't see anything. Thus I need a torch to lock the device from the menu. It is less than ideal. Why make it so darn difficult for the user? It probably needs no more than a single line of code to fix this. A few more to make it optional. Or  get rid of the screenshot feature (does anybody even use this?) so that you can use a two-button press to lock the device. There you go, Garmin. Two solutions. Both easy. Please fix what is otherwise a great device.

  • Hey Jan, it would be cool to have that option but as previously someone wrote it's mostly a user forum and chances that you see or get attention of Garmin in here are pretty low, I'd submit a feature request in here:

    Or if you prefer talking to a live person have a chat or a call with their representative, then explain the problem and ask to submit request, they can do it too sometimes or sometime just suggest to submit requests to the aforementioned page.

    The more people would back up certain idea the more chances they would be implemented.