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Steps and heart rate have stopped working.

I have restarted my vivoactive 4s multiple times. I also made sure that the activity settings are still on. I've only had the V4s for 6 days and its already stopped tracking my steps and the heart rate has stopped working. Please help. Thank you.

  • Had a vivoactive 4 for a week and after the update to the latest firmware it stopped tracking the HR and stress, had contact with Garmin Support and they mentioned that it would be best to return the device.

  • I juts got the Vivoactive 4 and my heart rate monitor has been working on and off since I got it a week ago. When it stopped I did a soft reset, a hard reset, turned the HR monitor on and off, disconnected from the phone, reset the phone, checked the software was up to date on the watch, synced to the phone. It still randomly cuts out and just says 'measuring' without any green light on the back.

    I called Garmin and they set it sounds like the watch is faulty and suggested having it replaced. This sounds like a very common problem.

  • I had the same thing happen after owning it for about a month. They replaced it and now 3 weeks later the new one is doing it too.

  • I did all the recommended steps including plugging in and disconnecting to reset the watch (even though it has buttons) and had given up. I had the heartrate widget visible with a red heart and three dashes the whole time. Was sending an email listing all of my actions and while performing a quick series of connects and disconnects to the charger (the two sensor lights were coming on for a couple of seconds solid then going dormant) they started flashing rapidly and the sensor began working again. Hopefully it holds. I've had the watch a year or more? and this is the first issue so far. So I'd recommend a series of plugging it in for 5 seconds and unplugging it after doing the other recommended steps.

  • I am facing the same problem in my vivoactive4. Two years old. Tried every possible way of factory reset, software upgrade, garmin express etc. 

  • I don’t know if you’re still having the same problem, but when I did the following steps it fixed it for me. I went to settings>widgets>heart rate>heart rate settings and made sure to turn on all the options and clicked “broadcast on.” I’m guessing this got kind of forced the system to look for a heart rate, so after I closed the broadcast the heart rate was fixed on my watch face. 

  • I when to Garmin express on laptop, plugged in the Vivoactive 4, uninstalled heartrate monitor and bodybattery, unplugged vivoactive4 and switched of and on again. This seems to have worked for me as my heart rate monitor is back.