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Abnormal Heart Rate Detected Alerts - What exactly was detected?

My VA3 watch displayed an Abnormal Heart Rate Detected Alert this morning...what exactly did it detect? High HR? Low HR? Arrhythmia? VT? Something else? I didn't feel or notice any strange heart rate at the time I looked at the watch and saw the alert.

This is the second time I've seen this displayed on my watch and when I told my cardiologist about the first time I saw it happen he asked what did it detect? I could only answer that I didn't know as the Alert shown on the watch face didn't specify any further details.

Please have the Garmin developers include additional relevant information in the Alert to make it more useful otherwise as it currently works it is a useless feature. Please also include the date/time of the alert as in this morning's case I had no idea how long the message was displayed on the watch face.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago


    Compatible Garmin wearables can notify you when your heart rate unexpectedly goes above a specified threshold.

    If you’re inactive for 10 minutes or more, and your heart rate stays above your set threshold, you’ll get an alert on your wearable.

    happy sporting

  • I don't think this is what is happening as there is no HR set threshold that I know of that can be set in the Vivoactive 3 (I have checked all the HR related menus). My heart rate wasn't particularly fast last night when the alert displayed so that's another reason why I think your answer is suspect at this time.

    I also don't think the alert is related to Arrhythmia having thought about that some more because I experience that daily and the watch never shows an alert when my irregular heart beats occur.

    Given the above additional points, my original question stands...what exactly is the Vivoactive 3 HR Abnormal Heart Rate detected alert triggering on?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to FrathosCAN

    can I invite you to click on the link, above the quoted text Wink

    what firmware version is your device on ?

    a user with similar question abnormal-heart-rate-alerting-randomly solved with a reset to default

  • To set the alert thrshold on the VA3-   Long press on the HR widget/ tap on heart rate settings/  tap on abnormal heart rate (words not switch) & then set alert threshold.  

  • Thanks. It wasn't obvious that there was a setting that required clicking on that and when I checked it was set to 100 which apparently is way too low so I changed it to a higher value which should stop those random alerts from appearing.

  • wasn't apparent to me that there was a link associated with the tag that you included (this is my first experience with the new Garmin forum style...not sure yet whether I like it or not).

    My firmware is up to date and a reset to default isn't required...the information provided by rawveeda enabled me to see and adjust the alert threshold which was apparently too low.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to FrathosCAN

    no harm done Slight smile

    my guess is that at the moment no one is liking the "forum"

    good to see you got help and did not need a reset

    happy sporting

  • I have had this happen 3 times now but I have no valued information to share with my doctor, other than scaring me it has done nothing for me with it the additional information

  • I have had the same alerts, and like you, all it does is scare me. It seems like it’s trying to give me a heart attack by making me worry about my heart. So, the programmer of the watch is a doctor? So I have some guy who programmed the watch, who is not even a doctor, telling me I have something wrong with my heart. Meanwhile, none of the other tracking abilities it boasts of having are actually accurate: if it can’t accurately measure how far I walked or how many calories I’ve burned, then how is it able to tell me my heart is abnormal? It’s audacious

  • I have a VA3 and I found the setting into the HR widget... calculate 220 - your age = ? and input this number there. by default is at 100 bpm which could explain triggering this alert at a low bpm.