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When will the vibration issue be solved? (VA3M)

I have, like other VA3M users, problems with the watch vibration, it just suddenly stops working. First time it came with a bluetooth update. No new software update solved it for me. But when I discharged the clock completely, it started vibrating again.

Now after the 4.00 update it does not vibrate anymore, again... Reset or discharging until it dies does not work this time. It vibrates when turning on so it's clearly a software bug.

The VA3M is useless a smart watch without vibrating notifications and the training programs relies on constant vibration feedback! 

So could any Garmin representative give us an ETA when this will be fixed so I can decide if I should send my VA3M back for a refund or not?

  • I'm having the same problem (vibration fine when turning on so the motor must be fine, but no other vibrations), but it only started in the last couple of days.  I must admit I didn't pay attention to when it may have updated to 4.00, I only bought the watch a week ago and it worked fabulously, but the last time I remember vibration working was Saturday.  It was very frustrating this morning trying to do my interval workout with no vibrations!

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    I just started having this issue myself: it stopped vibrating altogether. Especially important to me was the alarm I used to wake me up in the morning. And, just like you, this watch is now worthless to me.

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    I just started having this issue myself: it stopped vibrating altogether. Especially important to me was the alarm I used to wake me up in the morning. And, just like you, this watch is now worthless to me.

  • Same problem for me, just bought it 3 days ago and vibration from the beginning doesn't work. Tried few restart, hard reset, wipe etc. Once it worked for few hour, but than broke again. 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    You are joking right? Expecting Garmin to solve any software issue is like expecting a bear to not cr@p in the woods !

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to grzybiarz91

    Send it back now before it updates and the heart rate sensor gets bricked !

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to 3095353

    Welcome to Garmin world LOL

  • It was already updated to newest software. Besides the vibration, also floor counting and cadence in running were broken. I bought it on Amazon so without problem I requested for replacing to new model. If it'll have any issues also I'll return it. Previously I had Vivoactive 3 (without music) and it worked great all the time.

  • Had the same problem and contacted Garmin Support to ask about an solution. They gave me an ticket number and legitimated me to send my VA3M in for replacement. Got the replacement watch on the 3rd day after sending it in. So far the vibration works again, also after autoupdate to firmware 4.50 and an sensor update.

  • This is a review of the customer service I received from Garmin UK.  I bought a Garmin Vivoactive 3 about 18 months ago, the watch worked brilliantly, monitoring my runs, hikes, cycles and the occasional kayaking.  This all stopped in August 2019 when the unit stopped vibrating when receiving text messages or alerts such as steps count achieved or miles walked.  This was extremely frustrating, particularly the message alerts.  I searched for a solution on-line and came across a number of others complaining that their vibration alert had stopped following a software update but that they’d had no support from Garmin.  I contacted Garmin on the web-chat, the Garmin customer service lady couldn’t have been more helpful – guiding me through a load of trouble shooting tips including soft rebooting and then hard resets, unfortunately none of which worked. So they recommended that I send the watch to them so they could investigate it. That was Friday last week… I didn’t have much faith, especially after reading others experiences, but when I arrived home last night (Wednesday) a shiny new Garmin Vivoactive 3 was waiting for me on my doormat. Garmin replaced my watch at no cost to me and with no quibbling or haggling.  Superb customer service, even though the warranty is only for 12 months and they had even registered it to my Garmin account too.  5 stars from me.