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The latest software update has made the number of floors count to be greatly inflated

I have a Vivoactive 3 and use my iPhone to connect to it.

On the February 21st, a software update was automatically pushed to my watch, and since then the number of floors count has been very wrong.

For the last few days, my stats have been:

Before the update:
16th: 1888 steps, 0 floors climbed, 0 floors descended
17th: 6463 steps, 9 floors climbed, 3 floors descended
18th: 8773 steps, 9 floors climbed, 0 floors descended
19th: 5891 steps, 10 floors climbed, 2 floors descended
20th: 8854 steps, 10 floors climbed, 1 floor descended

After the update:
21st: 15630 steps, 58 floors climbed, 22 floors descended
22nd: 5423 steps, 30 floors climbed, 3 floors descended
23rd: 8802 steps, 50 floors climbed, 22 floors descended
24th: 7063 steps, 62 floors climbed, 16 floors descended
25th: 9815 steps, 99 floors climbed, 10 floors descended
26th: 11432 steps, 114 floors climbed, 11 floors descended

There's no way that I've climbed that many floors every day since the update - there must be something wrong!

Has anybody else has this happen, and if so, were you able to fix it?
  • No change here. The VA3 has always under counted and after the latest update (5.9) it still under counts by many floors per day. Based on your figures, both before & after, you're doing a lot more climbing than desending. Elevator desending?
  • I very rarely use an elevator - my activity has been broadly the same before and after the update, which is why the change is so incongruous.
  • I confirm that buggy behavior last time. Climbed floors always too high. I newer use an elevator and my floors count should be always symmetrical high and down. Right now have i 37 high and 15 down. But in real life today i have done +10 -10. That's a joke.
  • I was getting none before and now I'm getting some, so I'm delighted!
  • Mine's not as high as yours but definitely wrong. Haven't climbed a single floor today but I have 10up 9down. Been consistent hitting my goal but not climbing stairs...
  • I have a Vivosmart 3. I'm not sure when the last firmware update was, but in the last 5 days or so I am also suddenly getting much bigger numbers for floors climbed. Today for example, when I had only been up and wearing the watch for about an hour, it told me I had reached 2x my goal even though I had barely been up and down any stairs. Something has definitely gobe wrong...:(
  • My VA3 was updated to 6.1 yesterday. Today I went on a walk which includes a few sets of steps and no significant overall height changes and the VA3 reported I had twice reached the daily stair climbing goal when previously the walk wouldn't get to half the daily stair climbing target. Something has changed for the worse.
  • I can confirm the same behavior. Numer of floors climbed is way too high.
  • I* am sitting with the exact same problem. Used to do max 5 floors a day, now I am doing 80+ on a flat track and my running/walking has not changed. I am sorry i purchased a Garmin again as it gives the most inaccurate readings compared to my cheap Fitbit.
  • My high stair count while out walking hasn't occurred again. That walk was during a period of dropping barometric pressure and I wonder if the rate of the drop combined with the walking made the VA3 think I was climbing stairs.