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Lock icon blocking watch face

I am guessing you have had a lot of questions related to this issue, but I am quite frustrated with this and would like to hear if anyone has a solution for this problem.

I am using a digital watchface and when I have the screen locked and I tap on the screen to check the time, the lock symbol totally blocks the time from my watch face. I think this is the situation with most digital watch faces that has the time located in the center.

So is there a possibility to disable this lock icon from showing or to make it smaller or to appear to the bottom/top of the screen? If not I hope Garmin could fix this into their updates, I think this should be a pretty easy fix to add an option for users to modify the lock icon.
  • The lock icon should only appear briefly before going away and revealing your watch face with the backlight on. This was a design choice to make sure users were aware that they need to unlock their devices before they will be able to interactive with them fully. We appreicate your feedback and this will be taken into consideration, but there are currently no plans to alter this design.
  • Blake,
    I think Garmin is missing the point.

    The vast majority of users want to simply be able to "lock" the watch so that an inadvertent long-tap doesn't happen which then allows access to changing menus ...
    We do want to be able to continue to navigate the watch otherwise.
    Seems like a simple solution to add the ability to only lock the menu screen out

    I can't tell you how many times I have been standing waiting and fall into holding one wrist with the other hand and activating the menu screen and then end up with changing the watch face or something else. Locking the device down totally seems of little use
  • a common workaround is to press the side button after a touch, or simply just double press without touch.
  • I see designers rarely use their creations in real life. Once locked on WF, and single tap should wake up device and get time visible. Actually I proposed to move this icon long time ago.
    I'd propose to create popup message banner on top, like any notification message appears. This does not cover screen and some info at top can be read after a while, not major issue.
  • Hi Blake,
    Thanks for your answer. I don't quite understand why Garmin cant take this issue seriously even when this has bothered users at least since 2016. I hope you reconsider, since this is in my opinion a major issue regarding everyday use. A simple fix of adding the option to hide the lock icon or make an alternative icon would fix the problem.
  • I would also really appreciate a hide option.

    I can understand that the default is to enable the icon so that the user us aware that the watch is locked. But if you know what you are doing...

  • Does anyone know if this is also a problem on the new watches? Vivoactive 4, Venu, etc...

  • Does anyone know if this is also a problem with the new watches? Vivoactive 4, Venu, etc...

  • Hello everybody.

    Today I bought Vivoactive 4, I updated the software and the problem persists :(