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Lock icon blocking watch face

I am guessing you have had a lot of questions related to this issue, but I am quite frustrated with this and would like to hear if anyone has a solution for this problem.

I am using a digital watchface and when I have the screen locked and I tap on the screen to check the time, the lock symbol totally blocks the time from my watch face. I think this is the situation with most digital watch faces that has the time located in the center.

So is there a possibility to disable this lock icon from showing or to make it smaller or to appear to the bottom/top of the screen? If not I hope Garmin could fix this into their updates, I think this should be a pretty easy fix to add an option for users to modify the lock icon.
  • Wow that's unfortunate. Thanks for letting us know though!

  • Garmin, you may consider a quick fix where the icon only appears after 2 taps of the screen (e.g. > 1 touch inputs within 1 second). This can allow users to tap once to activate the backlight and see the time without the lock icon appearing. Users that are looking to interact with the watch functions and are unaware of the watch being locked will surely touch the watch > 1 time (and be greeted with the lack icon) in their attempt before concluding that the watch is broken or something

  • A problem with this however if one uses a short backlight timeout is that the screen dims again before or about the same time as the lock symbol disappears. This makes it impossible to view the watch screen without constantly pressing the screen again which only re-displays the lock symbol turning into an endless loop. Maybe try making the lock symbol timeout shorter than the backlight timeout.

  • Yeah that's a good point. I think the lock symbol timeout is way too long as is. I think it can be reduced to 0.5 seconds. If it was reduced to such a short time, it shouldn't conflict with any backlight timeout settings. JUST DO SOMETHING GARMIN!

  • i also agree with all of this. the lock icon timeout, size, etc is so frustrating. the most basic function of a watch is to tell you the time. however due to this icon blocking the centre of the screen it denies that one basic function.

    it's becoming a case of not being fit for purpose.

  • I agree; the lockout icon is extremely annoying and needs to move so it is not blocking the screen. Waiting for the icon to disappear has become tedious. Fix this issue Garmin.

  • I've given up. I've turned off the lock feature. it works ok without it.  I might accidentally tap the screen once a day, and really what's going to happen anyway, will my wrist explode? No. lol. Anyway you all should try it without the lock feature, see how you go. My sanity is much better without it!

  • If I turn off the auto lock feature, my watch goes crazy in the shower. The little water droplets activate the touch screen. Sometimes I finish showering and notice my watch face changed and along with who knows what other settings lol

  • A properly implemented lock-screen is needed.  They have done nothing to try improving this

  • This is also driving me mad - I want to tell the time which is why I am wearing the watch. I don't need to know its locked all the time with a massive icon. Utterly ridiculous  other than I thin the watch is great but this such a basic thing to get wrong