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Venu won't reconnect to my phone after moving away...

I've loved my Garmin Venu in the two months that I've had it. However, I have one major annoyance with it and that's losing bluetooth connectivity to my phone. I have an iPhone Xs Max with IOS 13.5.1. I'm not experiencing any of the common problems that came with updating to IOS 13, just this connectivity issue.

Every time I walk away from my phone, my Venus disconnects from my phone. I have to go to my phone's bluetooth settings and connect the device again manually. When the phone and the Venu are close together, there are no problems.

I previously had a Fitbit Ionic and never had this issue. The watch would ALWAYS reconnect to my phone. Am I missing something here? Or is this just how it is with the Venu?

  • I have the exact same issue. 

  • I have the same problem and it is frustrating. I wonder that does anyone have a working Bluetooth connection with Venu and IOS?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    Had the same problem. I am on iOS as well. I resolved it to some extend by a) factory resetting the watch b) removing the Garmin App from iPhone c) deleting Bluetooth Connection in iOS Settings d) install all above again 

    this did not resolve all connection losses which I still have too but reduced the amount by at least 50% for me

    not sure if it works for others too or if this was just „random“ for me Wink

  • I noticed the same problem a few weeks ago and I put up with it until recently. Fortunately, I had my old Samsung Galaxy S8 to try and see it did the same with it. It works perfectly and I am now convinced that Apple did something with the latest update that has caused this problem.

  • I have a very similar issue on an iPhone XS (iOS 13.5.1), tried both my Vivoactive 4 and my partner's Venu, whenever the Connect app is not running the watch loses the Bluetooth connection to the phone. I am checking the BT connection from the Controls Menu of the watch, where the BT icon is blinking when its not connected to the phone. When the Connection app is running again it takes about 5-10 seconds and it connects with the watch again. I am not having the same issue with either of the watches on an Android (OnePlus 6T android 10), they stay connected all the time. Anyone from Garmin to let us know if the issue will be fixed or if there is a workaround?

  • I have this issue except that my phone can be in my back pocket and my watch keeps vibrating to say connected, disconnected. Very annoying. I don’t think it is a problem with my phone as I don’t have this issue with my Bluetooth head phones so I’m assuming it’s a Garmin/venu issue. 

    Has anyone had any luck with a resolve?? I’m thinking the watch was to expensive for this kind of floor in the system

  • After getting in touch with Garmin and getting a new Venu, the issue remains. I've tried hard resten a number of times with both watches. If it's a software issue I can't understand why they can¡t fix it. It makes the Venu useless as a smartwatch. Currently looking for other options outside Garmin.

  • I’m gutted I changed from my Apple Watch but the gps had stopped working. I really regret not just buying another Apple Cry

  • Following!  I have the same issue

  • Still not sure what to make of this problem. I switched back to my iphone after the recent IOS update and the problem seemed to disappear. The other day it started again and I am back to my Samsung phone with still works perfectly.