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Body Battery not charging and stress seems abnormally high

My body battery seemed to functioning correctly and charging overnight.  Then on Sat it dropped to 5% and didn't charge at all that night.  Sunday night it charge slightly up to 14.  My stress levels seem abnormally high.  Even during sleep and just sitting on the couch reading. I'm starting to worry - these are based on HRV.  Do I have an issue or a faulty watch? These stats are causing me anxiety for sure. :(

  • Maybe just wear it for a week and see if it learns and balances out.   The body battery is based on stress.  Which is based on HRV (heart rate variability).  My understanding is that when your HRV is low (meaning not much variability) and you aren't doing an activity that's high stress.  I think?  I did research on this last year.  A slower HR has a higher HRV if I remember correctly.  So it may balance out if you wear it for several days? 

  • Thank you, will try that without doing soft- or factory resets. 

  • Exactly same problems with my venue. And my device is brand new and have completed all the updates, I don't think it'll be fixed anytime soon Disappointed

  • Hi, I read in several forums before that if our venu is pretty new, it might need some time to "learn" your body. It may be better after "some" time.

    I have been wearing venu for less the a month, it was a very bad reading in the first week, data seems abnormal (body battery, stress, etc), but I think it is getting better after the 2nd week. So, it might be true about the "learning" time of the watch. 
    i have no scientific proof and I might be wrong. Only imho.

  • Hi yeah, I have just brought a garmin instinct solar and have got the same problem with stress and body battery at 5.....I can only think that this ties in with the most recent updated. As it seemed fine Sunday Monday and started going strange on Tuesday I compared it to my venu stress level and that was miles lower...

  • I got a venu sq and in my case the body battery only keeps working if I do not let it sync with my pc and phone. I tried a couple of times to let it sync but then the watch stops with the body battery. Hope they fix this soon because I want to see the data on my phone.