I want to combine two races into one, I accidentally finished while running
I want to combine two races into one, I accidentally finished while running
download both FIT files from Garmin Connect, go to FIT File Tools and combine them. Upload new combined FIT file and once you verify everything looks good you can delete the initial two activities.
Unfortunately, there is not a way to merge 2 activities together at this time.
download both FIT files from Garmin Connect, go to FIT File Tools and combine them. Upload new combined FIT file and once you verify everything looks good you can delete the initial two activities.
What does the error message say, specifically?
The problem with the procedure provided by RobCuadro is that by default the resulting fit file will have the same id as the first of the unmerged activites, so Garmin Connect will refuse to upload it, saying that this activity already exists. So you have to delete the unmerged activities from Garmin Connect before trying to upload the merged activity.
The message says "We don't support the file type you tried to import." It does not mention any other detail. I don't want to delete the unmerged activities without first confirming that the merge file is correct. Is there a way to change the ID of the new (merged) file which I'm trying to upload?
If you can zip the 2 files you want to merge and attach it to this thread, we can try to merge them for you.
OK, cool, thanks. Here you go. Appreciate.[solved]
This will work - [solved]
Merged using Fit File Repair Tool
Half way through my run today (coach run, too), I got a text, and accidentally ended my run. Started a new run right away, but I really want to glue these two runs together into one run. Is that possible? I would especially like to glue them together and keep them as the coach run....