Merge Komoot activity with Garmin Coach

So, I have a Venu SQ2 and started Garmin Coach track. I am aware it does not support courses. So for navigating I bought Komoot.

My goal endgoal would be to complete a longrun with komoot (exploring new tracks) and have that activity be part of my Garmin Coach plan.

What I have tried for

Running both the workout from coach together with Komoot

  • Start a workout, navigate back and start Komoot
    • result: Error message from Komoot: "Cannot launch while recording activity"
  • Start a workout, send a track from Komoot App on mobile to watch
    • result: Watch received notification and ask if I want to open the toer. When confirming nothing happens
  • Start Komoot track, try also start a workouk
    • result: Imposible to do because you can not exit the app without stopping the navigation


its impossible to run both apps on the watch simultaneously so I am able to navigate AND record the workout

Merging Komoot activity to Garmin Coach

  • Run a track with Komoot and add it to Garmin Coach
    • result: The activity is visible in the calendar, but not marked as workout
      • note: I have marked the activity as "training", but without result

Open question;

How can Komoot activites be merged to that Garmin Coach will pick up the run