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Snowboard/Skiing measuring problem


Recently I got a Venu SQ2 Music. For the last couple of days I’m skiing with some friends, and they also have Garmin watches(Fenix6). At the end of the day, when we compare results my distance, runs, avg speed etc. are very different to theirs. Almost double the kms and half the avg speed and so on.

I noticed that the watch doesnt differentiate between lift runs and downhill. 
I don’t see an option to calibrate any of this and I’m getting a bit furstrated by this absurd problem. I even found an app in connect iq to measure my ski runs, which works OK, but is third-party. I think that without this simple setting of separating lift and run this activity option in the watch is useless.

Is there anything that I am doing wrong or a way to fix it?

Thanks in advance!