Once again Venu 3 battery life is terrible after update. The battery was lasting at least 2 weeks prior to update 12.11. Now it barely lasts 5 days. Is anyone else having this problem?
Once again Venu 3 battery life is terrible after update. The battery was lasting at least 2 weeks prior to update 12.11. Now it barely lasts 5 days. Is anyone else having this problem?
My last charge got me 49 hours I have raised with Garmin via their support so hopefully something will be done about it....
Same here. I was hoping someone from Garmin would pick this issue up - same issue has already been reported on the forum earlier. Still no response from Garmin admins' side.
I don't care if they are not adding new features to the software, but the very reason why I choose to buy a Venu3 (and in general a Garmin watch) because I fed up charging my (other brand) smart watch every day. But now I kind of feel I lost this advantage. So at least I'd expect that these battery drain issues be fixed.
please refer to https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/healthandwellness/f/venu-3-series/398831/battery-life-reduced for continued discussion