Anyone with Venu 3S - How long is your battery life ?

Hi to everyone. 

My wifes Venu 3S is lasting max of 5 days if run to 0%. 
so normally charged around 20% it will be max 4 days.

This is in smartwatch mode only and no activities. 

Could any other 3S owner chime in and tell me if 10 days advertised is true or not ? I have contacted garmin and I’m about to post it back for repair or we will be pushing for refund if that’s not the case? 


Brightness is set to Auto and Minimum

Screen timeout is Short 

Pulse OX on demand only 

Redshift and do not disturb at night 

No notifications on watch other than calls 

No activities at all consume 20% per day of battery 

with short walk activity it’s 25% 

Advertised as 10 days battery in smartwatch mode with AOD off 

anyone can chime in and give me his stats ? 

many thanks 

  • Hello.
    I just fully charged the watch(100%). Remaining charge 11 days.

  • Hi 

    I assume this is Venu 3S and not the 3 larger one ? 

    Also when I charge my missus one it says 10 days too but last 4. 

    how long did you use yours ? Did you see it working 11 days? 

  • Yes, 3S. 7 days with three classes.

  • I’ve sent mine for repair or refund now. Whatever they decide. 
    after full charge it says 11day but loose 20% daily with no activities so last max 5 days if I drain to 0 but real world is 4 days and charge at 20%. 

    does it from new so not sure if there is anything to fix here. 
    very disappointed 

  • I wanted to add that classes with music and If without them, be 10-11 days from charge to charge. This is true.

  • Just the update for those interested. 
    I have returned my Venu 3S for full refund as battery was holding max 5 days with smartwatch only use and AOD off 

    I have now purchased two brand new Venu 3S watches. One French grey and other dusty pink. 
    mate them up same way.

    Brightness minimum 

    Pulse ox off 

    AOD off 

    No notifications other than phone call 

    no WiFi connection 

    no activities. 

    I wear both watches same time one on each wrist. 

    When fully charged battery life estimation by watch itself is 12 days. 


    current battery drain is exactly the same as my first watch. 
    I loose 10% battery life every 12h. 

    So max it will last is 5 days. 

    Im not sure how you people get 10-12 days with this. I have 3 diferent watches and none of them last as advertised Face palm tone1‍♂️

    Complete waste of time. Seems my first watch was fine and the advertised 10 days is a lie. 

    or I have a batch of 3 diferent watches and all are faulty See no evil

  • I can add that due to the heat I missed one lesson and today is the eighth day without recharging and the watch reads another 17%. 

  • Are you using one of the stock watch faces?  I know that some watch faces say they'll drain more.  I have the Venu 3 (not the S), I charged it yesterday morning, and I'm at 92% a day and half later.  And my watch face is "Big Easy" which I paid for.  I have brightness at medium, AOD off, Pulse OX on demand, but I have wifi set up for updating the watch, and I get notifications for phone calls, texts, calendar.  I'll use it to play 9 holes of golf tonight, so that will probably drain it another 10%.

  • I thought that at first. I’m using Teko face I paid for. But the drain was same from day 1 on first watch. I’ve tried garmin face for couple days to find same drain. So assumed watch is faulty. Send back and got refund. Now two brand new watches does exactly the same. 
    garmin face did same as teko. 
    not sure what’s going on. I used to be connected to WiFi but disconnected to give even more juice. 
    don’t like constant notifications so only have em for calls. Pulse ox is on demand , aod off. Brightness minimum , timeout short and wrist sensitivity low. 

    Dont think there is anything more I can lower here. Basically all is at minimum. I start to doubt if those watches ever last 10 days and people make things up Face palm tone1‍♂️

  • I just added "Teko Big" to mine.  I'll let you know what I find after a while.  My watch is at 91%, and now I'm not sure if I'm going to play golf tonight or not.

    What firmware version is installed in your watch?  I have the latest, but I'm not sure how to check that.  When I search for updates, it connects to wifi and says it's up to date.