Venu 3/3S Battery Life Drain 9.24-9.28 (~3 days)

Edit 2024/05/02: After the update to 9.28, the issue still persists.

After the update to 9.24, and following the beta release programs for 9.25 and finally going to 9.26, it seems that the battery drain issue I am facing has not been fixed. My old estimated battery life went from 5~7 days down to just 3 days.

According to , a possible remediation appears to require a hard reboot of the watch. However, Scoobynaps also notes that the drain issue reappears after GPS usage, which appears to corroborate with my own findings.

Obviously, having to hard reboot my watch every time the GPS is used would be quite the humorous fix (ha ha).

Since it doesn't appear that Garmin is being timely with their support on this, I'm hoping to reach out to the community to find out if anyone else is experiencing this issue, or otherwise. If this issue does not impact your Venu 3/3S, and you are getting >5 days of battery life, please leave a comment as well!

, any chance of an official response, or unofficial response regarding this bug?

Related Threads:

  • Thanks for the excellent summary.

    I often reference this thread offered by , which has some good tips for battery drain issues in general, regardless of the watch model - Troubleshooting guide for high battery drain

  • Unfortunately this does not work. Testings on my own watch, as well as other contributors have attributed the battery drain to something GPS related. The hard reboot only resolves the battery drain issue temporarily.

  • The hard reboot only resolves the battery drain issue temporarily

    By the "hard reset" you mean

    • Select Settings > System > Reset > Reset Default Settings


    • Select Settings > System > Reset > Delete Data and Reset Settings


    • the procedure you posted in the initial post of this thread


    You can try if the "button reset" method I mentioned here is working (and helps to fix the issue) on Venu3.

  • I meant just a reboot, whilst holding the buttons down, without wiping of any data.

  • OK, that's just a reboot.
    That didn't fix my battery drain issues in the past (with Venu2).

    As I wrote in the linked post - I had to do full wipeout (hard reset) of the watch after each firmware update to fix the issue :|

  • Me pasa lo mismo con la bateria, desde la última actualización, antes la configuración que tenía me duraba 12 días  con varias sesiones de entrenamiento 11,10 días, ahora 6 días 5 . Se come la batería y encima múltiples fallos las alarmas a veces no se apagan y tengo que apagar el reloj, las fotos y emoji no llegan, el modo no molestar se activa solo, las canciones no las deja ver, etc. No sé si a vosotros os pasa esto también. Un saludo

  • Similar behavior happens on my wife's Venu 3.

    Pre 9.24 - the watch was able to hold the charge for approx 11-12 days.

    Currently with 9.24 - 5-6 days.

    All of the usage is quite similar:

     - no AOD

     - no GPS workout

     - no SpO2 enabled

     - Tried rebooting/resetting the watch, to no avail

    Haven't tried beta builds, waiting patiently for a fix with a stable firmware.

  • The battery on my Venu 3S has gone to trash. It started using about 3% per hour and has gone up to about 5 to 6% per hour. I now have to charge it during my morning and afternoon commute to and from work, just to make sure I make it through the day/night of tracking.

    I have AOD off, SPO2 during sleep only and use a Garmin watch face with no heartrate.

    I tried deleting all Connect IQ apps and faces. I tried battery saver mode. I tried turning off the phone Bluetooth connection on the watch. I tried the reboot method with the watch connected to the PC. I tried uninstalling the app from my phone and forgetting the watch from the phones Bluetooth, fully resetting the watch wiping all data and reinstalling the app and reconnecting the watch from scratch.

    All of these steps have made no change to my terrible battery life. My next step was to try the beta release to see if that fixes it, or at least improves it.

    I am about to go back to my Samsung watch as it at least gets 2 to 3 days battery life.

  • Both my venu 3 and my wife's venu 3s are experiencing the battery drain issue since 9.24 but since the 3s has a smaller battery the effect is most pronounced on that. We haven't tried any of the reboot/reset solutions but since we do many GPS related activities during the week we prefer a solution which doesn't require constant reboots or similar. I haven't looked up exactly what changed in 9.24, but so far I have been happy with the functionality pre 9.24.

    I hope garmin will be able to fix this since 3-4 days is too little for a watch in this price range. 

  • I too am having this issue, with none of the aforementioned fixes helping.  My battery is lasting 1.5 days at the most since the update.  Not good enough for a $700 AUD watch