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Power zones in Vene 3S

I cannot understand how running power zones work in Venu 3S... I have made sono RUN (out on un tapis roulant) and my running power zones are always without data or very few data. For example this is my last run:

Anyone con help me?

  • I'm having the same issue. The zones are similar to yours but my typical running power is way above zone 5. So it should actually say I'm in zone 5 nearly 100% of the time. But this would still be wrong as I can't sprint for 10k! On other devices you can edit the zones in the same menu as heart rate zones. But this option is missing on the Venu 3 and in the Connect app 

  • I've just logged it with support so will see what happens 

  • I came across this while trying to fix this same issue. 

    Based on the quote in the Venu 3S manual I linked below, it seems like there's no way to fix this currently. Or until Garmin makes these zones adjustable on this device. (Like in the lower cost Forerunner 255 for example, also linked)

    No reference to being able to adjust these zones on the Venu 3 watch. 

    Venu 3 series Owner's Manual - Running Power (

    "Running power zones are similar to cycling power zones. The values for the zones are default values based on gender, weight, and average ability, and may not match your personal abilities. You can view your zones on the Garmin ConnectTm account."

    Forerunner 255 Series Owner's Manual - Running Power (

    "Running power zones are similar to cycling power zones. The values for the zones are default values based on gender, weight, and average ability, and may not match your personal abilities. You can manually adjust your zones on the watch or using your Garmin ConnectTm account (Setting Your Power Zones)."

    • I didn't get much help from support. They linked to the instructions saying that you can change power zones in Garmin connect along with heart rate. But that isn't an option on Venu 3 so I have sent a screenshot to prove it.
    • They also sent me the information about default settings for average ability. I pointed out that I am pretty much the definition of average so shouldn't have an average power over 10k that is 50% above zone 5!
  • The ability to adjust Power zones is not an available option for the Venu 3 at this time. However, this is a great suggestion! I highly suggest submitting it here: Garmin Ideas Portal