How do I have to define the Heart rate zone in the VENU 3S?
I'm trying to define the Heart rate zone in the connect application.
What do I have to put in the max heart rate field? Is it the results of the formula 220 - age or should I put the max heart rate measured during an intense activity (In my case, the max heart rate measured is higher than the result of the formula).
I've put the resting heart rate reported by the watch in the resting heart rate field. Is it correct to do that?
Why does the watch need to know the resting heart rate?
And finally, how do I have to define the 5 zones?
I currently defined them as following: 50-60%, 60-70%, 70-80%, 80-90% and 90-100%.
Is it correct?
I ask this question because I have seen on some internet sites people defining the max heart rate zone with the formula 220 -age and then defining the heart rate zone starting to 60% - 70% in zone 1, stepping by 10% and ending at 100% - 110% in zone 5.
However, in the connect application, it is not possible to define a percentage higher than 100% in zone 5.