Garmin Venu 2S shoots down at 20% battery

My Garmin Venu 2S appears to be working fine until the battery is at 20%. I charge the battery to 100% and the watch seems to be working fine. I don't notice excesive drain of battery. But once it goes down to 20%, it switches off in few minutes.

I cannot tell if it is the battery that is not fine, or it's the indicator that does not show the actual state of the battery.

Is there any way to fix this behavior?

  • I have the same issue on my venu 2 Shrug♂️ it started about a month ago with no changes to the watch settings by me. I wonder if it’s a garmin software update that’s causing the issue

  • Please Update the Software Using the Garmin Connect App, If that does not help the battery life, please contact Garmin Support in your region. 

  • Same issue here. Reading around it seems to be a common problem lately with the Venu 2 and 2s. Hopefully Garmin fixes with an update and this isn't what Apple used to do when they killed old devices with updates that hurt their battery and performance

  • Same issue here, and my sister is having the same issue with hers as well (purchased at different times from different places). Already updated, tried resetting, and I'm having a lot of issues charging it and starting it back up after it dies, too, as it gets to one percent and then keeps prompting me to switch off battery saver, and then just dies again.

    Basically as soon as it gets to battery saving mode, it dies. It took me about 3-4 days to get from 100% to 30%, with some activity, so pretty normal, and then 30 to 0 in just a few minutes. I've connected it to the computer, as I read that might help, but it didn't, I don't really know what else to do.

    It's not on always on mode or any of that, and I haven't changed any settings either.