Generic notifications & missing widgets/swipe behavior

Dear Garmin,

First let me tell you that as new owner of first Garmin watches (Venu 2) Im impressed about the built quality, connectivity & fast responses. Really great job.

What do I really miss and could be easily introduced in the near future are the following ideas/feature requests which do work with proprietary Amazfit, Huawei or WearOS while with the price tag way lower than your products. So I would really except them to be part of your software.

- app notification icon (generic green) even for known apps such as YouTube is stunning, list of apps which do provide notifications are already known and within your Connect App - can you please link them (sync the icons & link them) to the apps which do send notification? (bugfix)
- shortcut (swipe right) the list is too limited, there is way more poss. to happen/open (improvement)
- shortcut (swipe left) not possible to set? why? swipe left on the watchface is not used at all. (missed feature?)
- well what would be the best is actually to have swipable left to right customizable widgets/apps (feature request)
- swipe up could remain while swipe down could be set to open notifications immediatelly (small feature - its just about linking the action while on main screen to the action which do already happen - lets say its configuration & some testing)
- notifications could support swipe to dissmiss/action instead of long process of: 1. wake, 2. swipe, 3. open notificaitions, 4. pick notification, 5. swipe down (eh?!) or tap to three dots and pick action which do remain too long - could be optional (delay or not to dismiss notifications).

I hope you will follow the feature/idea list of requests and hope you can fix the generic green icon since I have found multiple reports recently in 2025 from many users.
Looking forward Garmin.

Already proposed via feedback but there is no given category for Watches itself.

Kind Regards,
Zbynek Koci