Excess Elevation

My watch has recently (well, a couple/few months ago) started going crazy with the floors climbed/elevation stats. It was always pretty accurate but now I get really high numbers, and way too many metres on elevation for my runs. I've tried cleaning the port by running under water, soaking in water, and cleaning with a toothbrush. I've also followed the instructions for recalibrating the altimeter. Any other suggestions please?

I've set the daily target for floors climbed really high to avoid the constant notifications and taken it off my summary page to ignore it, but I would like accurate data for my runs. Also a watch that cost this much should work properly after less than a year and a half of having it!


  • I have the same issue with my Venu 2. I noticed a huge difference of elevation during hiking with my girlfriend that has the same watch (Venu 2S) and we bought them at the same date (11/2021) .
    Like you, I also tried to recalibrated the altimeter, clean it by following the Garmin instructions but that did not solve the issue.

    I did a record of a hike with my girl friend, the weather conditions were super good  :  clear sky, no wind. Here are the screens of the two altitude graphs of our watches and bellow the official graph of the hike. 
    You can notice that mine is doing a lot of up and downs while my grilfriend's graph is pretty smooth, that explains the super high D+ and D- that I had. In general, my grilfriend has an accurate value of D+/D- in comparison of what the topo is saying, on my side these values are always 20% bigger than expected.
    I noticed this issue recently, but it has been always there. My old activities has the same noisy altitude graph.

    My graph with a lot of noise

    My girlfriend graph

    Official altitude graph of the hike

  • I have the same problem since last update 19.05. 

  • Je rencontre le même problème de depuis de 2 mois, sur toutes les activités, randonnée, course, etc. J’ai suivi toutes les recommandations, recalibrer, réinitialiser la montre, mise à jour mais rien ne fonctionne. J’ai la montre depuis décembre 2021