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Venu 2+ with IOS - can’t clear phone wakeup alarm

I’ve used my iPhone’s health/sleep to schedule my wakeup alarms. Earlier it used to be that when it was waleup time, my phone would start the waleup alarm and also my watch would vibrate and display alarm notification, which I could have cleared.  Clearing it would stop the phone alarm.

Now, i haven”t used it during summer time, so there is some 1.5 months since I used it on daily basis.  
simething has changed since then as now i cant reset the alarm via my watch. Additionally, the watch does not register me as awake immeadately when i get up, but i need to go trough menues and select sleep and set myself as awake. 

anyone else noticed the same or am i just doing something wrong?

  • I.noticed that of I anually set myself awake, the waleup alert from the phone is also activated on the watch and i can use watch to dismiss it. 
    this for some reason the wakeup alert from the phone cant get trough as the watch is in do not disturb mode. 

  • Solution:

    On garmin connect app (on the phone):

    More -> Settings -> User Settings -> Normal Wake Time 

    (and also Normal Bed Time)

    And on the watch : 

    Hold bottom button long for menu -> scroll down for settings (gear icon) -> scroll down for "System"  -> scroll down for "Do not disturb" -> there is a setting "During sleep"

    For some reason the Normal Wakeup Time was set to 7:30, but I never sleep that long. Because of that, my usual wakeup at 6:30 (to 6:40) set on the phone didn't get through. I'm 100% sure I hadn't update this value on Garmin Connect. But I'm happy that I found the reason. 

    Would be great if this value would sync with Apple's "Sleep" app wakeup times.