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Suddenly high stress?

In mid July my watch started reading as much higher stress than normal. My normal average was between 20 to 25 for 24 hour period and now it's measuring 50 plus. My daughter had a high fever at the time so I assumed my body was fighting off of virus as I have seen my stress level go way up when I was sick. However it's never come back down from that. As a result my sleep is always poor, my body battery is always really low. It doesn't matter how I feel at all. I was actually really starting to get quite worried thinking that there was something wrong with me.

So two nights ago I decided to get out my old vivoactive 4S to compare. That one measures normal for me, lower stress levels and generally better sleep. My body battery also showed 81 on that one compared to 28 on the venu 2.

I was actually really starting to get quite worried thinking that there was something wrong with me, but now I'm not sure what to think. I know to take these things with a grain of salt, and I usually just look at the trends, which is why the trend of suddenly much higher stress for 6 weeks was worrying. Could this be a result of an update? I'm not sure that it has updated since then and I'm not sure how to check. Other measurements seem to be pretty in line, like steps and heart rate.

The picture is quite hard to see but the left is the old vivoactive 4 and mostly in the blue, ie below 25 for last night's sleep.

  • I should add that it happened literally the week that I turned 50 years old. I was actually wondering if there was some algorithm that could make my stress seem higher than before simply comparing the stats to my age? It's just really weird.

    Edited to add: it actually happened ON my birthday. And I do not drink alcohol, no parties, no different food or sleeping habits. Even mindfulness isn't having an effect. I really am starting to think it's the same me, but different algorithm based on my new age?

  • I don't know, but the stress on my Venu 2 is consistently lower by about 10 to 20 points than the Venu 3 and 7s (which are the same)

    Body Battery is unique to each watch, and would need time, so that is normal to be different at first, you would have to wear both for at least a day or two iiuc

    The algorithm and age,  maybe, but I don't know, it is a bit odd that those two things coincide maybe

  • I have had the same issues with my Venu Sq, I had a VA3 previously and that would usually be between 25 & 35, my Venu is reading around 50 daily even after Yoga and I have always had normal blood pressure, etc, I think it just isn't as accurate as the higher spec watches particularly if your VA4 is still showing lower. If you are overly concerned no harm in getting a check up at doctors.

  • I know this thread is 9 months old but wondered if you had an update. I’m experiencing exactly the same issue on my Venu 2 Sq I’ve had around 8 weeks it being higher with bad sleep scores and high stress. BP fine x