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Venu 2 rapid Battery Drain

My Venu 2 has started occasionally rapidly losing battery.

It can happen over night, waking up to zero battery even though I always have 80% Battery when I go to bed.

Sometimes it happens during the day, when I haven't done any activity.

And sometimes during or just after an activity.

I can find no pattern except it will happen 2 to 3 times a week.

I do not listen to music on it, I only have the Garmin watch face. I do not have always on screen and I have the lowest brightness setting.

I have only had the watch 18 months never charge over 80%.

The issue started about 6 weeks ago.

Can anyone help?


  • Same with mine . 

    I use to get over a week of recharge which included a days hike of tracking 

    after doing an update 

    my watch now needs recharging every day 

    I’ve checked my settings which is still the same and done a reboot , yet it’s still needing to charge daily . 

    if I wanted to charge daily , I could of gone Samsung or Apple Watch but loved the venu s2 features and battery life .. 

    disappointed now as it should last a lot longer like it use to  

  • This seems to be a problem that occurs more frequently. My Venu 2 is also affected.

    From 100% to 50%, the battery lasts 2-3 days, depending on GPS use. From 50%, the battery is drained much faster, the last 20% are empty within a few hours.

  • This is exactly what started happening with me.  I tend to use Connect IQ watch faces, which typically drain faster.  But, usually I would get 5-7 days consistently with heavy use (30.minites exercise and 30-60 minute GPS daily).  Last 6 weeks it's been the same draining until 50%, but then the drain accelerates and the free times I've let it get down to 20% the bottom falls out and it goes dead almost immediately.  

  • I rang customer support today .. 

    I now have to send my watch to NSW and they are going to send back a refurbished watch in return as the battery seems to be faulty :( 

    I hope the refurbished watch works better Fingers crossed tone2

  • I contacted customer support via e-mail - still waiting for their response.

  • This happened to me after 2 years of use so I contacted Customer Service and was sent a refurbished watch, which has been working great now for the last 3 months.  It appears that my battery had failed.  It would lose charge at around 60% and drop to zero instantaneously.  Garmin should make this information part of the battery trouble shooting steps.  I have owned 3 different Garmin watches and each one had battery failure after 2 years. Thankfully, Garmin sent me refurbished watches to solve my issues.

    This is why I would never buy the high end Garmin Phoenix watches as the battery will die after 2 years and if Garmin decides to not offer you a refurbished watch, you will be out $600-$700 due to a $40 battery.

  • Can someone tell me if I should remove the band of the watch before sending in? I find the instructions confusing about this.

  • My new Venu 2s was just delivered Wednesday PM with a 78% charge, by Saturday it was at 22% and I connected Charger cable. After half-hour, it showed 99% and after few more minutes, no change so disconnected the cable.

    This is outstanding performance and my question is this:

    How greatly would it extend battery life (two years is unacceptable) to connect charger at 40% and disconnect at 80%?

    I chose this model for its long time between charging, but....

    Expect to equal the battery longevity of my other devices, (my bathroom scale is beyond Thirty Years now {and it's not even a re-chargeable}).

  • I would prefer charging just once a week, I'll never use 'music' and it is always paired with my iPhone. Find it odd that those items aren't mentioned on Garmin's 'Maximizing Battery Life' site. I'd expect "turning bluetooth off" would turn the GPS on, but no mention of Music.

    My Vivosmart 4 (since 2021) has always wanted about twice a week, which is a little excessive for me but I like its max bright and longtime display timeout, but its health monitoring's fall far short of the Venu 2s.