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Firmware version 11.14 messed up garmin pay

I got the firmware update this morning and after that when I tried to pay using Venu2s selecting second card my transaction was refused by the bank due to insufficient founds despite the fact that I had sufficient money on my bank account. 

Later this evening I tried to pay for a bottle of water using the same card as this morning, payment was accepted, but instead of using the card I selected, payment was made with the first card I have it on Garmin pay. I know that because I got a notification from my bank that I made a payment. 

It seems that no matter what card I select to pay, in fact the first card stored is used which is a big issue. 

I never had problems paying with my Venu2s before. 

Is anyone having the same issue like me?


I called the support and told them about my issue. They put me to remove all cards from wallet, remove the tracker, then add back the tracker and then the cards. I have the cards on garmin pay, but not on the tracker

  • I did not have this experience at all. They were very nice to me, and gave me instructions on how to send my phones logs to them. And they had checked the forums, and said people were in fact complaining about it. I have a ticket with them. However, we'll see if it gets resolved. Having to not dig in my wallet to pay for things would be nice.

  • I have the same issue: Garmin Pay didn’t work correctly. The second card dosn’t work. I select the second card but the payment goes by first one. I hope that Garmin will solve this point soon.

  • My first instructions I got from them were remove, add back cards, unpair, pair back phone which led to the impossibility to add back cards on tracker. It was after I asked them how many times do I have to remove/add unpair/pair so they understand it's a bug. And probably the screenshots with the first answers to my topic of other people having the same issues (which card is charged and not being able to add cards back to the tracker) also helped, so they asked me to send phone logs and watch files. But when I told we are more and more, lady I was talking to said I was the only one who sent a ticket about these issues.

  • Same here on Venu2 and also Venu2s! I had 2 cards. Card B didnt charged. After remove/reset app, tracker, iam not able add cards anymore to tracker! App shows cards, but didnt sync to tracker. Garmin should do something about this by now, it's been going on for a week now...

  • Tomorrow will be two week anniversary, Garmin!  

  • This is terrible support - the only mesage I have (from Czech support) is, that the issue was reported to the developers and they are working on it.

    I don`t know, what takes so long - it is not a new function, they just need to return the faulty FW to its original state (and than can work on other improvements).

  • Ja som na tom rovnako. Problém asi je, že nie všetky karty nefungujú. Raz to ide, raz to nejde - a ešte väčšia haluz je, že jedna karta ide, druhá nie... Proste je to úplne do*****e!

  • Still waiting a solution... :(

  • 11.16 Will fix it. Enroll your device in beta program.