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Firmware version 11.14 messed up garmin pay

I got the firmware update this morning and after that when I tried to pay using Venu2s selecting second card my transaction was refused by the bank due to insufficient founds despite the fact that I had sufficient money on my bank account. 

Later this evening I tried to pay for a bottle of water using the same card as this morning, payment was accepted, but instead of using the card I selected, payment was made with the first card I have it on Garmin pay. I know that because I got a notification from my bank that I made a payment. 

It seems that no matter what card I select to pay, in fact the first card stored is used which is a big issue. 

I never had problems paying with my Venu2s before. 

Is anyone having the same issue like me?


I called the support and told them about my issue. They put me to remove all cards from wallet, remove the tracker, then add back the tracker and then the cards. I have the cards on garmin pay, but not on the tracker

  • I got the update too (I had to go to settings and check if there are updates), same version, added back 2 cards, wallet still empty on the watch Watch️ 

    Later edit

    I followed the steps from troubleshooting 

    "Wallet is Empty" Message On My Garmin Pay Watch

    Wallet on the watch still empty. 

    Now I wonder if there are/were 2 bugs

    1. one in the firmware about paying with card B and charging card A
    2. Bug in the garmin connect app that doesn't sync the wallet in the app to the watch wallet.

    Or there is another bug in the firmware about the syncing between phone and watch that they didn't fix and they fixed only the bug about what card is charged 

  • Ive opened a ticket for this same thing, 11.15 does not fix it. Ive sent them my watches Garmin folder in a zip file, and screenshots.

  • You got 11.15 firmware? I had an update this morning, but my version hasn't changed 

  • Yes I had opted in to Beta test. In hopes it would fix the issue. It did not.

  • Why am I not surprised 

  • Yes I noticed this was happening to Venu S2 as well. 
    I have 2 cards on my watch and it was working fine without issue until recently.
    Even though I select card 'B', tap to pay, and even double checked that the correct card was tapped and I got the approved 'check mark', it STILL changed card 'A'. 

    Please fix the ASAP as it is super inconvienient and messing with my payments which are becoming unexpected in other areas.

  • You can contact Garmin and they will tell you that they hear about this problem for the first time and no one else have complained about this before. After that they will instruct you how to completely lose access to your cards on Garmin pay without a  way to get them back.

  • If we all would leave a review on Google play or Apple store, suddenly would stop being for the first time... just saying...

  • We could, but it wouldn't be fair, because problem is not in the app, problem is in firmware of our devices. This is not my first Garmin watch, bigger los for them would be if this will be the last Garmin product I buy. Will see how Garmin handles this.

  • App is useless without a tracker so yes it isn't about the app, but what can you do with the app without a tracker? Not much. 

    Now think that you would like to buy your garmin so to check Google play to see how app is rated and what issues may have. Wouldn't you want to know about their other software? The firmware?

    I am at my first garmin, I had 3 fitbit before, 2 with pay function. Fitbit has a lot of issues with the app and tracker sensors, but I never experienced a payment bug and I have been used this function a lot.