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Firmware version 11.14 messed up garmin pay

I got the firmware update this morning and after that when I tried to pay using Venu2s selecting second card my transaction was refused by the bank due to insufficient founds despite the fact that I had sufficient money on my bank account. 

Later this evening I tried to pay for a bottle of water using the same card as this morning, payment was accepted, but instead of using the card I selected, payment was made with the first card I have it on Garmin pay. I know that because I got a notification from my bank that I made a payment. 

It seems that no matter what card I select to pay, in fact the first card stored is used which is a big issue. 

I never had problems paying with my Venu2s before. 

Is anyone having the same issue like me?


I called the support and told them about my issue. They put me to remove all cards from wallet, remove the tracker, then add back the tracker and then the cards. I have the cards on garmin pay, but not on the tracker

  • 10.22 might be stable, but the link is about 11.08 "

    Venu 2 software version 11.08 Beta"

  • Then you need better reading glases my man:

    • "If you would like to revert to the last public release software, place the GUPDATE_1022.GCD file in the \GARMIN folder. Rename GUPDATE_1022.GCD to GUPDATE.GCD before disconnecting your device. NOTE: If you revert to an older version of software, all of your settings will be reset to defaults."
  • Thanks, I was just ready to clairify my post with the link to 11.08 Beta. The download contains firmware for both 11.08 and 10.22. It was the latest version (non-beta) that I could find for download. I followed the instruction at the end of the 11.08 Beta post the revert to the stable 10.22 version.

  • Yup, I need either glasses or pay more attention to what's written Sweat smile I have the watch files on my laptop, I will give it another look to the content.

  • Have you done both steps? Installing beta version, then revert to 10.22? I tried only the steps to revert to 10.22 following the instructions, but I had no luck. My firmware is still 11.14

    Later edit 

    I tried it again this time I paid more attention and I've noticed that after I copy the file, remove the cable from watch then put it back on, the file is deleted from the \garmin folder. I did the same with a random file and the random file isn't deleted after removing the USB cable. 

  • Garmin should be already solving this issue - I am communicating with (Czech) support, replied few of their questions, sent them watch`s diagnostic data and they assigned my claim to existing ticket.

    Today (Wednesday 30.11.) my watch offered the instalation of a new firmware, but am waiting and have not installed it yet.

  • This is great news, I didn't get a new firmware yet, but I am hoping I will get it soon.

  • I installed the new version, witch has the same version number 11.14 (looks like they want to hide this problem), but after removing/adding bank card (two times) nothing has changed for me, still " Wallet is empty"...

  • I just googled how version numbers works and this is what I got:

    First Number: Tracks major changes. Second Number: Tracks minor changes. Third Number: Tracks patches or mere bug fixes. Fourth Number: Tracks changes less significant than a patch.

    I am not surprised they would want to hide a major issue like a payment bug.

    I wonder what could go wrong next? Adding your card to your wallet and syncing it to 2 different accounts?

  • Yes! That would be more fun - you use someone else's card and he will use your card to buy stuff.