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Firmware version 11.14 messed up garmin pay

I got the firmware update this morning and after that when I tried to pay using Venu2s selecting second card my transaction was refused by the bank due to insufficient founds despite the fact that I had sufficient money on my bank account. 

Later this evening I tried to pay for a bottle of water using the same card as this morning, payment was accepted, but instead of using the card I selected, payment was made with the first card I have it on Garmin pay. I know that because I got a notification from my bank that I made a payment. 

It seems that no matter what card I select to pay, in fact the first card stored is used which is a big issue. 

I never had problems paying with my Venu2s before. 

Is anyone having the same issue like me?


I called the support and told them about my issue. They put me to remove all cards from wallet, remove the tracker, then add back the tracker and then the cards. I have the cards on garmin pay, but not on the tracker