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Venu 2/2s Battery Drain After sw 9.17

I updated to 9.17 2 days ago.  Yesterday I got sensor updated.  I charged to 100% at aroun1:45 PM.   Rebooted.   It's 7am now - so approx 17 hours later and I'm at 74% battery.  I'd say that's unacceptable battery drain. Certainly not getting better, possibly getting worse.  I have the 2S. 

  • For me, it's even worse now. I could get 4 days (5 by a miracle) before the update and now it's solid 3 days. If it drops even more then I wonder why anyone will even bother with garmin at all...

  • 6 days is good.  How many days do you expect? 

  • I expect 10 days as per the specs. I'm using a 99% default configuration and my usage is significantly below the table supplied here by (e.g. notifications off, close to zero interactions, etc.). Do you find it acceptable that a lower usage than the specified one results in 40% less battery life than in the specs? If anything, I would expect more than 10 in this scenario.

  • I fully agree with you talsela.

    I have been in contact with Garmin support and they are willing to replace the watch. But since I’m training for a long run on October, I’ll do that after.

    Somehow I have the idea that I’ve got a watch with a battery that belongs to another type of Garmin watch with lower battery life.It would be good if we could somehow check the capacity.

  • Yeah, at this point, you might wanna have them replace your watch. A wonky battery is a dealbreaker.