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After updating to 8.11 software, display is blank

My Garmin Venu 2S updated to 8.11 this morning and since then the screen will consistently black out and be non-responsive. The watch will still vibrate so I know the buttons work but the screen keeps freezing black. Is anyone else having this issue? I've tried contacting support but have not had a response. The watch is literally useless at the moment and is only 4 months old so it's really annoying

  • That's correct. I had to check my girlfriend's watch. She just hasn't set up a WiFi connection. 

  • I know managed to get WiFi going via garmin express on my pc.

    I was now checking if there is a way to disable automatic updates, but I don't think so. The watch is already prompting me to update. I've been answering "update later", hope it doesn't update... 

  • The update says...

    • Removed WEP Wi-Fi network support

    I don't use wifi on watch and the update occurred for me without issue. 

    Wonder if the people having issues are using WEP for wifi encryption

    My wifi is WPA. I'm tempted to turn my watch's wifi on but last thing I want to do is break my watch. Thoughts?

  • It ridiculous we have to revert back and mess around with the files. I'm not going to that. My watch is 2 months old and it doesn't sounds like a resolution to just "send it back" especially as the new update seen to cause issues to a lot of people. Does garmin expect everyone to send the watch back? 

    Garmin please fix this. I'm so upset!

  • Have the same. Every couple of hours I have to go into settings on the watch to cancel the update. This is so annoying!

  • Feels, like I tried now everything but nothing happens after disconnecting. One time the diplay wasn't black, but the watch is only looking for updates over connect or wifi and of course doesn't find anything over this way. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    UPDATE: In the moment, I sent the message, my watch asked me for installing the 5.38 version. I don't know why, but it worked! Thank you Annika for your help. Now, i can use the watch again, while waiting for garmin to fix the bug. Wifi doesn't work for me either at the moment.

  • This whole situation is really weird. There must be something, an identical setting maybe, causing this issue for your devices. I hope Garmin'll find a solution soon. 

  • I never had an issue with the update but Wi-Fi on my watch has always been turned off. Also, my wifi is WPA, not WEP (feature the update removes)

    So, just checking if there is a pattern...

    Is WiFi on your watch turned on? If yes, is your WiFi encrypted using WEP? if yes to both, try removing encryption temporarily and see if the issue goes away. If not, does it go away when you disable wifi?

    I'm not an expert. Just someone offering help

  • My WIFI is encrypted using WPA. With the bug from version 8.11 i've also tried to delete my wifi connection but nothing changed. The black screen "freeze" still appeared. I think the error now with WIFI and the downgrade comes from different versions which do not match, but I don't know.