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After updating to 8.11 software, display is blank

My Garmin Venu 2S updated to 8.11 this morning and since then the screen will consistently black out and be non-responsive. The watch will still vibrate so I know the buttons work but the screen keeps freezing black. Is anyone else having this issue? I've tried contacting support but have not had a response. The watch is literally useless at the moment and is only 4 months old so it's really annoying

  • This issue should be easy to re-create/ It happened to me three times yesterday. Just start tracking an activity like walking and wait for the notifications to to induce the issue. I AM a software developer and am surprised this hasn't been diagnosed and fixed by now. You have had over 2 weeks for goodness sake.

  • Yes, indeed. This should be a simple fix...

  • Sill having this issue in 8.11. Happens at least a few times a day. I really hope Garmin can get a fix out for this soon.

  • UPDATE - we received the warranty replacement and set it up. It automatically updated itself to 8.11 when we weren't looking, but the problem has not occurred on this watch. No clue why it's impacting some watches but not others. Sent the original back to Garmin so they can hopefully use it to solve the problem.

  • Dear Kevin,

    Any news? I'm honestly fed up of having this in the back of my mind, constantly downgrading my watch's SW manually, constantly cancelling automatic updates and not being able to customize any settings (since I'm constantly resetting the device). Can we at least have a way of cancelling auto updates? That would bring back the watch to what it was. 

    Garmin, please, help us out here.

  • Kevin when will you fix the problem? so many days have passed

  • UPDATE from my experience - we received the warranty replacement watch and set it up, and we sent the original back to Garmin. The new watch came with the previous software version, but it updated itself to 8.11 shortly after we received it.

    Fortunately, the update on this watch did not cause any problems. So whatever the issue is, it only impacts some devices.

    For those still struggling with this issue, I suggest contacting support and trying to get a warranty replacement for your device.

  • All-

    If you are still experiencing this issue on your Venu 2 watch, please reach (by clicking the link below) out to your local Garmin Product Support team for possible exchange options.

    Garmin Product Support

    When we have more information related to these reports, we will be sure to update this thread.  We thank you for your continued patience while we look into these reports.

  • One thing I would say is that I Downgraded from 8.11 to the previous release and managed to stop it auto updating itself for about 48 hrs. It did finally upgrade itself back up to 8.11 but it hasn't happened again now for about 3 days. Fingers crossed. 

  • Writing from India. Loved my Garmin Venu 2S until a few days ago when it updated to 8.14 and almost immediately the watch display turned black and non-responsive. Since then the watch is unusable. I know the watch is still working because it buzzes for notifications, etc. Is anyone else having this issue after the 8.14 update (the OP was for an earlier software update)? I just came across this helpful thread and I have removed the Wifi connection from the watch following the suggestions from some others on here. I'm hoping that will fix the issue temporarily while Garmin is hopefully looking into this. It's ridiculous that Garmin expects customers to consider possible exchange options when the fix can be made through a software upgrade. At the very least give us an option to roll back the software update that's causing the problem.  I'm very disappointed in Garmin!