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Body weight exercises vs weighted exercises in Venu2

Hi! Does anyone know what weight do I have to input when recording the weight of a weighted exercise (i.e. weighted pull ups). Is it the weight of the dumbbell I'm attaching or the weight of that plus my bodyweight?

  • Whatever you want I think. When I add the weights for the exercises I do, I just add the number for the weights on 1 side of the bar. I don’t add the weight of the bar or the other side. It’s just for our own records really as far as I know. The heat map on the body image is just based off which exercises you’ve done and nothing to do with the weights entered. As long as you know whether you’ve entered the complete weight or just added weight etc you can compare when looking back etc.

  • Hi Smallville2016 and thanks for your reply! I think it does count which one you choose, at least in my case: one of the KPI I use to compare training sessions is the "total volume" (weight x reps for all sets). Therefore it depends if Garmin counts the weight of my body or not, for a specific set. For example: I weight 80kg so when I'm doing a weighted pull up with a 10kg dumbbell, should I input 90kg (my body weight + dumbbell weight) or just 10kg, since Garmin includes by default the body weight?