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Googlgle assistant on Galaxy S24 ultra

I've just upgraded my phone from a S21 ultra to a S24 ultra. The link to google assistant worked realy well on the old phone and it responded quickly. With the new phone when I press the button on the garmin the phone launches assistant quickly but the screen on the garmin can says "conecting to voice assistant" for a long time, 15-20 seconds before the microphone logo comes up. some times this is so long assistant times out on the phone. It used to be almost instant on the old phone, There is no difference if the phone is close or far away.

Google assistant works fine when used on the phone and comes up quickly when activated by the garmin, so I think its a garmin thing being slow. Garmin 17.04,  Android 14.11 , One UI 6.1.25

Has anyone had this problem and if so did you find a cure?