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Google Assistant not working, OnePlus Nord 2T, Android 13.

  • After lots of investigation, we found that there are limitations that need to be dwelt with between you and your phone manufacturer. If your phone is not listed on this chart and you are still having issues with Google Assistant, I ask that you reach out directly to Product Support moving forward so our Support team can gather the necessary details to officially report.

  • you wrote "...there are limitations that need to be dwelt with between you and your phone manufacturer."  Are you saying that the human user and their phone manufacturer have limitations? /s  Garmin is conspicuously not in that equation, yet we are having issues with a GARMIN product.  Is Garmin at all capable of taking responsibility for this mess that it has become? 

    It's not what you do, it's what you do next.  We can accept issues surfaced, but not communicating, not taking responsibility, not explaining the issue, locking a discussion thread and telling people to look at a list that is not accurate are not the way to support your customer.

  • I would take a look at the previous thread. You can see that Garmin responded when they had updates for you. There was no lack of communication. Forums is a way of communicating with other Garmin users and if Garmin has a word, they will give you it. If you want a resolution, talk with Garmin support lol. 

  • Don’t shoot the messenger. I called and spoke with one of their agents and I guess they did already try to work with OnePlus but there was nothing more they can do. The more One Plus hears from their own customers, the more likely they would be to work with Garmin. They were really helpful, I’d recommend contacting them directly instead of trying to find answers on forums

  • I previously had a private support log in with them so I chased it up via email. It seems they won't be doing anymore about, I'm not prepared to start chasing OnePlus up about it. Here is the email responce.

    "After lots of investigation, we found that there are limitations that need to be dwelt with between you and your phone manufacturer. So far, we know that OnePlus, unfortunately, will not work with our devices for the Google Assistant feature. We are tracking reports of other devices. Our engineers suggest that you reach out to your Phone manufacturer to bring this to their attention."

  • Your reaction is exactly why nothing may change with OnePlus. 

  • My reaction? So now I'm supposed to Garmin's donkey work, all Garmin need to do is point OnePlus to all the users in this forum, they didn't try hard enough and are passing responsibility to their customers. This problem isn't specific to OnePlus, there's other manufacturers inolved including Pixel devices which are as pure as Android you can get as it's a native Google phone. Garmin have clearly implemented this feature in a non standard way and now it's come back to bite them and they're incapable of fixing it. I've spent hundreds if not thousands on Garmin products over the years which includes cycling computers, hiking map devices and watches so I'm entitled to say my piece.Pound

  • You said it yourself on here from the agent you were talking to "after lots of investigation..." so it seems they have already tried their best to get the One Plus to work with them. If the One Plus's company can not work with seems out of their hands. What more can they do if One Plus cannot work with them? I say contact One Plus and make sure others do the same so One Plus knows that they should be able to work with Garmin watches. Not sure what the problem is with doing that. It seems Garmin has done all they can, not their fault that they refuse to work with the watches. Get mad at One Plus dude lol. Also....peace** not piece.

  • Actually it is piece, as in a piece of my mind as opposed to peace to the world. As I already said, it's not just OnePlus who have the issue, it's other manufacturers. So have the other manufacturers also done something wrong to stop this feature working? Should everyone chase their own manufacturer up? A bit more detail about what's blocking the issue might help before approaching anyone.

  • @Garmin-Inder this is a ridiculous conclusion. First of all, if headsets of no matter what brands are working with Google Assistant on Oneplus phones, why wouldn't Garmin be able to? For this reason alone, it is wrong to direct customers to either Oneplus or Google and say those parties need to fix it. Moreover, as if anyone can really contact Google and get a problem solved by them. They're a black box.

    Secondly, about that "Phone Incompatibility List for Voice Assistant Watches". Anyone looking at that list cannot be seriously thinking this is up to date. I mean look at the devices and Android versions. If this tiny subset of the Android ecosystem would really be the limit, you cannot advertise the Venus as working with Google Assistant.