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Lily distance tracking incorrect

the distance tracking on my Garmin Lily has recently started being wildly incorrect. 
up until 2 weeks ago it was fine then I bought a new phone and it’s saying I’m running much further than what I am and the pace therefore is very inaccurate. 
I’ve reset the distance and gps setting on phone and repaired the watch with new phone ect. I have read through so many forums ect to try and solve this and am having no luck. Has anyone had this issue? Coincidentally a family member also has Lily and said this started happening recently to them too so now I’m unsure if it’s a new phone issue or the actual software or something in the watch!! HELP?! 

  • I bought Lily2 a week ago and the walking/running distance is very incorrect. Cycling goes fine. The walking is worse. Today I got 9.5 km for 8,528 steps!!!!! Somebody has an idea what to do? I check all kinds of software updates...noting helps. Everything is up to date.I have never expected that Garmin can release such a low quality product!