I got a Garmin Lily for my wife, now that pregnancy is over and we've got a beautiful healthy son, she's looking for a way to track breastfeeding, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything available. I thought that she could rename some of the activities to, say anything similar to 'Breasteeding Left' and 'Breastfeeding Right' and could track those, but it seems renaming isn't an option either, is it?
So few questions
- Is there a widget we can somehow install to track custom activities.
- Can we somehow rename existing activities on the device or from garmin connect?
- I had a look at garmin connect-iq api's as I'm a software engineer - the documentation states that connect-iq isn't capable with garmin lily is an sdk for it that allows custom widget development? I'd gladly implement such an widget and will donate it to anyone out there?