BUG: Watch sometimes RANDOMLY crashes! So many bugs with Lily 2

Former Member
Former Member

I like the watch very much but never had any Garmin device, owning mostly Fenix devices or forerunner, which has so many bugs as this model.

I already opened a post about walking distance totally wrong 90% of the time with numbers of 100m instead of 2km, 1km instead of 4km etc. Without GPS connection!

And besides the topic I also opened that the wallet is very slow in reaction, taking at least 3 seconds to open the random crashes are really annoying too.

Often when putting the lily 2 on the charger the watch crashes. It also crashed during activity, when trying to get into activity and in the control menu when pressing on an app. Randomly and not reproducable.

I never in 15 years had a garmin device that was so laggy and esp so full of bugs. I have read about this stuff in forums but never experienced it myself. Really arely had crashes or big bugs.

THIS WATCH IS FULL OF BUGS AND LAGGY AS ***! I am out of return policy otherwise I would have returned it. I love this watch as it is tiny and chic compared to my Fenix 7s, but is is so unstable. This watch needs a big update with many bugs solved etc and reduscing laggyness.