lily 2 gesture and notifications stopped working

I've had my Lily 2 for about 6 weeks, and for the first month everything worked great. However, all of a sudden the Gesture mode will not work and I stopped receiving text/call notifications. I still get all other, less important, notifications just fine. I have every setting for gesture triple checked - sensitivity on high, always on, sleep mode and do not disturb are disabled.... No matter what it does not light up unless i tap it several times. Notification settings are all correct for every app/call/etc - but I only receive notifications for Instagram, snapchat, and other secondary apps - my texts and calls just stopped coming through. 

These functions not working make the watch essentially useless, and extremely inferior to my previous smart watch which was a fraction of the cost. I can see complaints of these nature going back 3 years - Garmin get this fixed, this is unacceptable.