Lily 2 series incorrectly changing sleep times

Hi, I recently got the Lily 2 watch and I have been wearing it for sleep data. When I wake up in the morning, it'll give me a sleep score and a breakdown of my sleep and it will be accurate. Then, either that evening or next morning, that same sleep will be adjusted to like a 9:00 pm sleep time and 9:04 pm wake time (so 4 minutes of sleep). It's done this 2 or 3 times now. When I go back and manually change the sleep and wake times, it gives me a worse sleep score and tells me my sleep was poor, even though it had said it was good initially (I'm talking about going from a sleep score of 84 to a sleep score of 49).

I also just went back and took a look at the week's sleep and many of the days were adjusted again... My sleep times are all later than when I actually went to bed and my sleep scores are garbage.

What's happening/what am I doing wrong? Is there a way to fix this issue?

  • I am having problems with the Lily 2 sleep tracking as well. I've called into Garmin twice. I was told to let the watch get to know me for 10-14 days.  My watch has told me I slept for 26h6m in one day!  It has also readjusted my sleep times and told me I either slept much longer than initially recorded or much shorter.  Once going from 6+ hours to 7 minutes total.  Once reporting I went to sleep at 8:30 pm when I was up and active at that time. I was also in the app that night and there was no indication sleep was being tracked at 8:30.  Sleep tracking is very important to me.  I love love love the look of the Lily 2 and all the other Garmin features.   I really don't know what to do.  I restarted the watch as suggested.  I don't know if I should just hope for the best. Or get another device just for sleep tracking.  Or give up and return the Lily.  

  • All,

    I am sorry to hear about this and will want to investigate this further. To do so, do we have permission to email you? Also, what country are you based in?

  • Based in US and yes please email me. Thanks