Index 2 - doesn't calculate body compositionn.

The Garmin Index 2 is little more than a fidget spinner, distracting the purchaser from meaningful information.

I've been working out hard for two months.  My weight has dropped form 195 lbs to 175lbs.
Most if not all of this is fat, yet the scale indicates my body fat % has INCREASED from 32% to 33%.
My VO2max has increased from 35 (fair) to 42 (excellent).
I have to purchase new clothes as my old ones don't fit.

I don't believe the scale at all.

The most obvious failuire is that my VO2max has gone up to the top 20% of men my age, while my muscle mass has DECREASED by four pounds.  Only an idiot would believe such a thing.  What is using all that oxygen if not more muscles.  Fat, bones, and water don't use oxygen.

I assume the weight measurements are accurate, but everything else is probably silly guestimates based on some little algorithm a junior programmer created.  No sports medicine doctor would believe this nonsense.

These numbers are fiction.

  • Mine was a bit off as well when I first purchased the scale almost 4 years ago. Since then, there have been several updates as well as the ability to realign bodyfat, which I did after having my bodyfat professionally measured using a DEXA scan.

    Since then, it has been acceptably close. If you are still not happy with this, I'd suggest working with Garmin Support, or wherever you purchased the scale, on an exchange or refund.

    By the way, congratulations on the weight loss Thumbsup