Garmin index s2 fat percentage STILL NOT ACCURATE in August 2024

The Index S2 recently bought is way out of mean deviation on body fat. All settings correctly done and actual software.

In itself absurd that a scale like that needs to know activity level to determine fat %. Has got nothing to do when actual determining is done by measuring on stead of calculating the derivation in other words... So in fact the scale does not measure but it only gambles the fat%.

  1. Whats the explanation?
  • I agree, and thank you for posting. This makes it absolutely clear that I will not buy the Garmin Index S2 scale to measure my BF%. 

  • I also agree. I've owned mine for over a year and it has never been anywhere near my actual body fat percentage. I can gauge just by looking at myself in the mirror that I'm somewhere around 17% body fat percentage. This thing just told me I'm at 24%. I spent too much money on a scale that claims to do more than what it actually does. The same goes for my Forerunner 265. Sleep tracking for that watch is useless. It tells me that I've taken naps while I've been driving.

  • I just got mine today 8/22/24 and my old scale says I am a little over 7% body fat and my garmin says I am at 22% body fat. I am an avid rock climber, weight lifter and Ultra Trail runner. Depending on my hydration level,  I am right on the edge of having my six pack show, some times it's right there easy to to see  and sometimes its just peaking out as a 4 pack so I doubt my % is in the 20s. I will most likely be returning this soon. 

  • Ironically the series 1 would have read 17 while the S2 reads 24, I use the body fat % to allow me to ascertain when I bought the S2. The graph is a stark contast. Odd given the S2 was considered an upgrade. 

  • Thank you very much everyone for the honest comment. I have recently bought Garmin watch and was planning on buying the scale. But looks like it is not worth the money.

  • Are you sure 7% is correct? For that's really little. What scale you used to measure that?

  • Sadly but even more disappointing to have no reaction of Garmin on this whatsoever. Overnight gaining 2 % fat, losing 0.2 % bone mass and muscle .... 

  • This form is weird, since I got an email about it I am guessing that question was addressed to me.  I do not know the scale brand off the top of my head but I used to be a personal trainer and this scale was always close to what we used at work and what I would get with calipers.  Plus since I sometimes have a six pack I am sure my body fat is not in the 20s.  also a day or two after I did my initial weigh in somehow I managed to gain 5lbs of bone mass  something just isn't right with this scale.  There was a feature or setting where you could enter your own fat %  manually and the scale would adapt.  I tried this and and my BF% went from 27% to 3% overnight  that was way low but after several weigh ins it is getting a little closer to something realistic and my bone mass is not changing drastically day to day.  ( I take that back, I just went and weighed in as I am typing this and gained 6lbs of bone mass and lost 5% body fat  since my last weigh in)    

  • Yes, weird, undefinable changes on bone mass , fat, muscle. It's a gamble machine more like it.... give or take....

  • The actual explanation is that the scale is expensive snake oil and the only thing it does is send your weight to the Garmin app. 

    Zero stars, do not recommend.